
Hibah joined ALI KHAN LAW ASSOCIATES’ (the Firm) Lahore office in the capacity of a Trainee Associate in July 2021 where she assisted the Senior Associates and Partner in various research and drafting work. In a short span of time, Hibah has been promoted to an Associate and has garnered an extensive insight into various fields of law including, inter alia, public private partnerships, power projects, various aspects of project finance with a particular focus on the energy, power, and infrastructure projects, crowdfunding regimes, policy matters, establishment of special economic zones, various modalities of captive power generation and other contractual matters.
Hibah graduated from the University of Management and Technology (UMT) and holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB Hons). During her time at UMT, she participated in various national and international moot court competitions and attended various international short courses on law and economics, project finance and international investment law.
Hibah is in the process of gaining exposure and is investing time in her learning and on her pursuit to improve her skills as a lawyer.

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